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Wohn Bücherschrank

Aziz grows up in poor conditions in a small Indian village in the 1940s. His depressive father and his unloving stepmother leave the boy to his own devices, so that he spends his childhood in nature without any family ties. When the family leaves him alone at the age of six, Aziz lives among animals and fights for survival every day.
The miserable experiences of his childhood ensure that Aziz develops extraordinary senses that set him apart from other adolescents. He begins a unique career in which all moments of happiness seem to fall into his lap. But Aziz realises that this is all just a logical consequence of the events of his past ...
A biographical novel that will change the way we look at our lifestyles and parenting methods forever.

"A book that could change the world ..." Jan Filipzik, Amazon bestselling author of "Reisen ist jetzt"



The Revolution of our Children

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